Tire pyrolysis is the process of using heat in the absence of oxygen to break down used tires into their basic components. The process involves heating the tires to a high temperature, typically between 300 and 500 degrees Celsius, in a reactor vessel. The lack of oxygen prevents combustion and the resulting chemical reaction breaks down the rubber and other materials in the tire into gas, oil, and solid char.
The gases and oil produced by the pyrolysis process can be collected and used as fuel, while the solid char can be used as a source of carbon black, which is a valuable industrial product used in the manufacture of tires and other rubber products. This process provides a means of recycling used tires and reducing waste.
We Use Reclaimed Rubber

We Use Recovered Carbon

During 2021-2022 fiscal year our plant used more than 7000 KG of recovered carbon black (rCB). These recovered carbon derrived from tire pyrolysis plant. Tyre pyrolysis has the potential to be a sustainable alternative to traditional waste disposal methods, such as landfilling or incineration, which can have negative environmental impacts.
However, the process can also produce emissions of pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds, which must be carefully managed to minimize their impact on human health and the environment.
Overall, tire pyrolysis can be an effective way to recycle used tires and reduce waste while also producing valuable products. However, it is important to ensure that the process is conducted in a safe and environmentally responsible manner to avoid negative impacts.
Besides recovered carbon, we use reclaimed rubber from various sources to make our own synthetic rubber sheets. More than 50% of raw matrerials are coming from recycled, recovered sources; which makes huge impact on the environment and biodiversity.